Monday, April 15, 2013

Don't We All Just Love Doctor Who?

Hello again!  As we continue to make our way through Shakespeare's Hamlet, I began to wonder whether any of you had seen any clips of the famous soliloquy.  You know, that "To be or not to be..." thing in Act 3, Scene 1?  I know it was a bit boring and hard to follow, but I think I've found something you may find a bit easier to concentrate on.  Based on conversations I've had with a few of you outside of class, and snippets I've heard in the hallways, I know that, like me, there's a possibility you are all hardcore (though maybe closeted) Whovians.  While looking for materials that may help you all to understand and maybe even like Hamlet, I found a performance of that famous soliloquy on Youtube... Do you recognize Hamlet?

It's David Tennant (aka Doctor Who #10)!  Just to refresh your memories, a soliloquy is basically the thoughts of a character being spoken aloud so the audience knows what is going on in the play.  It is not directed toward any other character(s).  In this soliloquy, Hamlet is pondering the meaning of life and whether or not it is worth it to live a life that has so many difficulties to fix.

Who else has seen The Shakespeare Code, the second episode of Series 3 in Doctor Who?  Am I the only one who thinks the connection is pretty cool?  Shakespeare is one of the Doctor's favorite authors!

 One last thing...Just because I love it!

David Tennant striking a Hamlet-esque pose as Doctor Who in The Shakespeare Code...Who knew the word for this was allusion?

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