Monday, April 15, 2013

Steampunk? What's that?

I seem to be stuck in some sort of "old-fashioned" music rut.  Until I started looking for materials to help you all become more comfortable with Hamlet, I had no idea what new kinds of music had been created in the past few years.  I'm a pop/rock/country/oldies type of girl.  Throw some Dave Matthews in there too, and I'm a happy girl.  But when I typed "music related to Hamlet" into my Google search bar, the top result was a song from Abney Park called "Dear Ophelia."  This band's music is in a genre called Steampunk.  Have you ever heard of it?  I certainly haven't.  This song is haunting and a bit creepy, but such a great idea!  It is written from the perspective of Hamlet, and it details Hamlet's true feelings for Ophelia while trying to explain his actions within the play.  I've included the version of the song from Youtube that includes the lyrics so you can follow along.

What do you think of the song?  Do you believe Abney Park did a good job writing from Hamlet's perspective?  What would you do differently?  And please, please, explain to me what on Earth "steampunk" is!

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